News Bulletins

High Seas Hawaiian Shirts will be at the OC Fair July 18th- August 17th!19th-August 18th 2024!

High Seas Hawaiian Shirts will be at the 2025 San Diego Fair June 11th- July 6th!

High Seas Hawaiian shirts will be at Fiesta Del Sol May 31st- June 1st in Solana Beach!

High Seas Hawaiian shirts will be at Fiesta Hermosa May 24th-26th!

High Seas Hawaiian shirts will be at Gator by the Bay- Louisiana Music Festival May 10 and 11th, 2026!!

High Seas Hawaiian Shirts will be at the San Marcos Street Fair!

High Seas Hawaiian Shirts will be at Carlsbad Street Fair May 4th!!!!

High Seas Hawaiian shirts will be at Arizona Tiki Oasis April 24th-27th 2025!!

High Seas Hawaiian Shirts will be at the 65th Annual Swallow's Day Parade March 22nd!

High Seas Hawaiian shirts will be at the Fiesta Hermosa Beach Memorial Day Weekend!!

High Seas Hawaiian shirts will be at Gator by the Bay- Louisiana Music Festival May 9-12th!!

High Seas Hawaiian Shirts will be at the Carlsbad Street Fair May 5th,2024!

What Hawaiian shirt is Nick "Goose" Bradshaw wearing at the bar in "Top Gun"?

High Seas Hawaiian Shirts will be at the Fallbrook Avocado Festival April 21st!

High Seas Hawaiian shirts will be at Arizona Tiki Oasis April 25th-28th 2024!!

What Hawaiian shirt is Wierd Al Yankovic wearing when performing the North Korea Polka in the John Oliver Show?

What Hawaiian shirt is Moose (John Travolta) wearing in the movie "The Fanatic"?

What shirts does the RV Wingman Wear?
